Working with South migrations

Because this project is designed with i18n and l10n in mind it supports translating some of model fields (e.g. plans names and descriptions). This feature is implemented using django-modeltranslation. Unfortunately this approach generate models on the fly - i.e. depending on activated translations in django it generate appropriate list of translated fields for every text field marked an translatable.

This bring a problem that south migrations cannot be made for an app itself due to lack of possibility to frozen such dynamically generated model. However you can still benefit from south migrations using django plans using an apporach presented in this document. We will use a great feature of South module, which isaccesible via SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES setting.

This option allows you to overwrite default South migrations search path and create your own project dependent migrations in scope of your own project files. To setup custom migrations for your project follow these simple steps.


You should put your custom migrations somewhere. The good place seems to be path PROJECT_ROOT/migrations/plans directory.


Remember that PROJECT_ROOT/migrations/plans path should be a python module, i.e. it needs to be importable from python.

Then put the following into

    'plans' : 'yourproject.migrations.plans',

Step 2. Create initial migration

From now on, everything works like standard South migrations, with the only difference that migrations are kept in scope of your project files - not plans module files.

$ python schemamigration --initial plans

Step 3. Migrate changes on deploy

$ python migrate plans

Step 4. Upgrading to new a version of plans

When there is a new version of django-plans, you can upgrade your module by simply using South to generate custom migration:

$ python migrate schemamigration --auto plans

and then:

$ python migrate plans