Source code for plans.validators

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError, ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
import six

from plans.importer import import_name
from plans.quota import get_user_quota

[docs]class QuotaValidator(object): """ Base class for all Quota validators needed for account activation """ required_to_activate = True default_quota_value = None @property def code(self): raise ImproperlyConfigured('Quota code name is not provided for validator')
[docs] def get_quota_value(self, user, quota_dict=None): """ Returns quota value for a given user """ if quota_dict is None: quota_dict = get_user_quota(user) return quota_dict.get(self.code, self.default_quota_value)
[docs] def get_error_message(self, quota_value, **kwargs): return u'Plan validation error'
def __call__(self, user, quota_dict=None, **kwargs): """ Performs validation of quota limit for a user account """ raise NotImplementedError('Please implement specific QuotaValidator')
[docs] def on_activation(self, user, quota_dict=None, **kwargs): """ Hook for any action that validator needs to do while successful activation of the plan Most useful for validators not required to activate, e.g. some "option" is turned ON for user but when user downgrade plan this option should be turned OFF automatically rather than stops account activation """ pass
[docs]class ModelCountValidator(QuotaValidator): """ Validator that checks if there is no more than quota number of objects given model """ @property def model(self): raise ImproperlyConfigured('ModelCountValidator requires model name')
[docs] def get_queryset(self, user): return self.model.objects.all()
[docs] def get_error_message(self, quota_value, **kwargs): return _('Limit of %(model_name_plural)s exceeded. The limit is %(quota)s items.') % { 'model_name_plural': self.model._meta.verbose_name_plural.title().lower(), 'quota': quota_value, }
def __call__(self, user, quota_dict=None, **kwargs): quota = self.get_quota_value(user, quota_dict) total_count = self.get_queryset(user).count() + kwargs.get('add', 0) if not quota is None and total_count > quota: raise ValidationError(self.get_error_message(quota))
[docs]class ModelAttributeValidator(ModelCountValidator): """ Validator checks if every obj.attribute value for a given model satisfy condition provided in check_attribute_value() method. .. warning:: ModelAttributeValidator requires `get_absolute_url()` method on provided model. """ @property def attribute(self): raise ImproperlyConfigured('ModelAttributeValidator requires defining attribute name')
[docs] def check_attribute_value(self, attribute_value, quota_value): # default is to value is <= limit return attribute_value <= quota_value
[docs] def get_error_message(self, quota_value, **kwargs): return _('Following %(model_name_plural)s are not in limits: %(objects)s') % { 'model_name_plural': self.model._meta.verbose_name_plural.title().lower(), 'objects': u', '.join(map(lambda o: u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (o.get_absolute_url(), six.u(o)), kwargs['not_valid_objects'])), }
def __call__(self, user, quota_dict=None, **kwargs): quota_value = self.get_quota_value(user, quota_dict) not_valid_objects = [] if not quota_value is None: for obj in self.get_queryset(user): if not self.check_attribute_value(getattr(obj, self.attribute), quota_value): not_valid_objects.append(obj) if not_valid_objects: raise ValidationError( self.get_error_message(quota_value, not_valid_objects=not_valid_objects) )
def plan_validation(user, plan=None, on_activation=False): """ Validates validator that represents quotas in a given system :param user: :param plan: :return: """ if plan is None: # if plan is not given, the default is to use current plan of the user plan = user.userplan.plan quota_dict = plan.get_quota_dict() validators = getattr(settings, 'PLANS_VALIDATORS', {}) errors = { 'required_to_activate': [], 'other': [], } for quota in validators: validator = import_name(validators[quota]) if on_activation: validator.on_activation(user, quota_dict) else: try: validator(user, quota_dict) except ValidationError as e: if validator.required_to_activate: errors['required_to_activate'].extend(e.messages) else: errors['other'].extend(e.messages) return errors